Development FocusMainland Policies and Measures

Major Social and Economic Indicators (2023)

Area 1 987km2
Population 17 790 100
Gross domestic product (GDP) RMB3,460.6 billion
GDP per capita RMB195,000
Value of total merchandise trade* RMB3,673.752 billion
Value of export* RMB2,194.48 billion
Value of import* RMB1,479.272 billion
Industrial structure (% of GDP)* Primary industry (agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, fishery): 0.1% of GDP
Secondary Industry (industrial and construction): 38.3% of GDP
Tertiary industry (service industry): 61.6% of GDP
Port Cargo Throughput* 272 million tons
Passenger Throughput* Overnight visitors received from outside of the Mainland: 551.3 thousand passenger trips
Shenzhen Bao'an International Airport: 21.5634 million passenger trips

* 2022 data (Note: the above figures are based on the Statistical Communiqué of Shenzhen on the 2022 National Economic and Social Development)

Major Development Areas

Economic and Trade Relations Between Shenzhen and Hong Kong

Youth Innovation Entrepreneurship Bases

For Shenzhen's key measures on taking forward the development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, please refer to the webpage of Work Report of Shenzhen Municipal Government (in Chinese only).

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