Development FocusMainland Policies and Measures

Major Social and Economic Indicators (2023)

Area 1 781km2
Population 4 458 200
Gross domestic product (GDP) RMB385.1 billion
GDP per capita RMB87,000
Value of total merchandise trade* RMB279.87 billion
Value of export* RMB232.8 billion
Value of import* RMB47.07 billion
Industrial structure (% of GDP)* Primary industry (agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, fishery): 2.5% of GDP
Secondary Industry (industrial and construction): 49.4% of GDP
Tertiary industry (service industry): 48.1% of GDP
Port Cargo Throughput* 15.39 million tons
Passenger Throughput** Overnight visitors received: 8.1769 million passenger trips

* 2022 data (Note: the above figures are based on the Statistical Communiqué of Zhongshan on the 2022 National Economic and Social Development)
** 2020 data

Major Development Areas

Economic and Trade Relations Between Zhongshan and Hong Kong

Youth Innovation Entrepreneurship Bases

For Zhongshan's key measures on taking forward the development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, please refer to the webpage of Work Report of Zhongshan Municipal Government (in Chinese only).

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