Development FocusMainland Policies and Measures

Major Social and Economic Indicators (2023)

Area 1 115km2
Population 7 536 100
Gross domestic product (GDP) HK$2,981.6 billion
GDP per capita HK$396,000
Value of total merchandise trade* HK$9,459.1 billion
Value of export* HK$4,531.6 billion
Value of import* HK$4,927.5 billion
Industrial structure (% of GDP)** Primary industry (agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, fishery): 0.1% of GDP
Secondary Industry (industrial and construction): 6.3% of GDP
Tertiary industry (service industry): 93.6% of GDP
Port Cargo Throughput* 192 million tons
Passenger Throughput* Visitor Arrivals to Hong Kong: 605 thousand passenger trips
Hong Kong International Airport: 5.656 million passenger trips

Note: the above figures are provided by relevant department of the Hong Kong SAR Government
* 2022 data
** 2021 data

Impressive international reputations

Hong Kong's unique advantages in the Greater Bay Area

Transportation and logistics hub

Cross-boundary infrastructure

The commissioning of three significant transport infrastructure projects, namely the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge (HZMB), the Hong Kong Section of the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail Link (XRL) and Liantang/Heung Yuen Wai Boundary Control Point (LT/HYW BCP) will substantially reduce travelling time between Hong Kong and other Greater Bay Area cities, and vastly improve the transport connectivity within the Greater Bay Area, thereby creating a highly accessible Greater Bay Area as well as connecting the Greater Bay Area to the world. This will consolidate Hong Kong's status as international financial, transportation and trade centres as well as an international aviation hub.

Economic and Trade Relations between Hong Kong and the Mainland

Key areas of work

  1. To consolidate and enhance Hong Kong's status as international financial, transportation and trade centres as well as an international aviation hub;
  2. To develop an international innovation and technology hub;
  3. To expand the scope of development for sectors in which Hong Kong's strengths lie;
  4. To strengthen infrastructural connectivity;
  5. To foster youth innovation and entrepreneurship; and
  6. To fully utilise Hong Kong's international connections and networks to promote the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area overseas and attract capital and talents to the Greater Bay Area.
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