Development FocusMainland Policies and Measures

Innovation and technology (I&T) development can inject new impetus into the economy, improve people’s quality of life and create quality jobs for young people. The Greater Bay Area development brings valuable opportunities to Hong Kong's I&T development. Leveraging on its advantages in technological research and development (R&D), internationalisation and its status as an international finance centre, Hong Kong can pool together innovation resources from the Greater Bay Area and the world to promote R&D on I&T, and boost our competitiveness.

Hong Kong Science Park
Hong Kong Science Park
Chinese Academy of Sciences Memorandum of Understanding Signing Ceremony
Chinese Academy of Sciences Memorandum of Understanding Signing Ceremony
InnoTech Expo
InnoTech Expo
Innovation, Technology and Industry Bureau Innovation and Technonlgy Commission Digital Policy Office Innovation and Technology Fund Innovation and Technology Fund for Better Living Wi-Fi.HK Cyberport HKSTP Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute Company Limited The Hong Kong Academy of Sciences Shenzhen Research Institute - The Chinese University of Hong Kong