Implementation Plan of the People's Government of Guangzhou Municipality for Further Deepening the Construction of Digital Government (Sui Fu [2023] No.13)

14 December 2023

On 14 December 2023, the People's Government of Guangzhou Municipality issued the “Implementation Plan for Further Deepening the Construction of Digital Government” (“the Plan”). The Plan proposed to promote the collaborative digital application in Guangzhou, Hong Kong, and Macao, actively participate in the establishment of a cooperation mechanism for public data resources among Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao which emphasizes data exchange, business interconnection, regulatory recognition and service sharing, encourage and guide the cross-border interaction of data within the framework of data security. In addition, the Plan proposed to strengthen communication and cooperation in the construction of digital governments among Guangzhou, Hong Kong and Macao, and promote in-depth integration and value-added empowerment of the digital talent chain, industrial chain, innovation chain and capital chain within the Greater Bay Area.

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