Implementation Measures in relation to the Guangzhou Municipal Nansha District Individual Income Tax Preferential Policy

04 November 2022

The Guangzhou Municipal Bureau of Finance, Guangzhou Municipal Tax Service, State Taxation Administration ("the authorities") issued the "Implementation Measures in relation to the Guangzhou Municipal Nansha District Individual Income Tax Preferential Policy" ("the Implementation Measures") on 4 November 2022. The authorities announced that Hong Kong residents working in the Guangzhou Municipal Nansha District would be exempted from individual income tax burden that exceeds the tax burden in Hong Kong. To be qualified, taxpayer shall be a Hong Kong tax resident, and in the tax year, he / she works or is employed in a substantive operating enterprise or other organisation registered in the Guangzhou Municipal Nansha District, or provides independent individual labour services or engages in production and business activities in the Guangzhou Municipal Nansha District. The Implementation Measures shall be effective from 4 November 2022 and valid until 31 December 2026.

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